Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bird Watching Tours in Ecuador!

Bird watching in Ecuador is very much rewarding, even for amateur ornithologists just starting out as birders. Ecuador has around 1600 bird species - more than some entire continents. Birding highlights include the cock-of-the-rock, the huge Andean condor, motmots, quetzals and over a hundred types of hummingbirds.

Casual birders and tourists just interested in nature generally will find that at least some of the more colorful birds of Ecuador can easily be seen without booking specialized bird watching holidays. You can see hummingbirds in the parks of urban Quito, hummingbirds and flocks of parakeets over Mindo, vultures across most of the country, birds of prey such as the condor in the high páramo, and of course the Galápagos Islands have various endemic species.

Ornithologists and keen bird watchers will probably want to join an organized bird watching vacation with an experienced guide for at least part of their time in Ecuador, especially those planning on doing some bird photography.

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